Thursday, January 21, 2010

Prove Them All Wrong

Tonight, I was running through my usual google search terms to find new thinspiration and tips, when I came across the definition of "Pro-Ana" in Wikipedia. Out of curiosity, but having a strong hunch as to what it would say, I clicked the link. Wikipedia proceeded to explain to the world that all Ana's had deadly disease and were all trying to kill themselves through starvation for one reason or another blah blah blah...nothing I haven't heard from my parents all through high school. And, quite frankly, I hate people who jump to those kinds of conclusions. We are all not striving to end it all through elongated suicide. I'm just trying to perfect my body. But that's an argument for another day.

What I really wanted to mention was a picture I came across on the Wikepedia page. What I saw was a very thin, almost cartoonish looking girl, crouched on the ground, her knees to her chest and her face buried. And she was entirely disproportionate. Her limbs were elongated past reason and all forms of fat, muscle, hard bone angles were polished out. She was literally lineslineslines.

It was a "caricature" of thinspiration.

I call it a dare.

For me, this only shows that there are people out there who fully believe that perfection is out of reach and that, to show this, they must make fun of our lifestyle.

Well, I say, prove them all wrong. Prove every last person who laughs at you and your goal that it's possible. Prove to the world that perfection is not out of reach.
If you would like to see the gallery, here's the link.

Good luck, little Anas.


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