Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Feeling kinda lazy

While I'm chilling in front of my tv watching Wall-E for the hundredth time, I thought I'd get some blogging done.

I've come to the conclusion that ana is my lazy way of dieting, haha :) Think about it for a minute...laziness is basically avoiding doing things. Instead of shopping for food, preparing for meals, cleaning up afterwards, I can use that time to chill out after a stressful day, smoke a cig while tossing a tennis ball around for my dog, and blogging about stuff that interests me. I enjoy it :P

I've missed that feeling of hunger, too. I feel thin when I feel hungry. And, if the hunger gets to strong, I have a cig and I'm good to go. I'd much rather enjoy low cal foods like fruit and vegetables when I feel like it, instead of becoming a slave to my stomach and feeding it every time it growls at me. I feel empowered when I can say no. Its about the one thing I ever say no to.


  1. Same here. I absolutely love that empty-ish feeling when I feel hungry. It feels comforatble and right to me.

  2. Everything feels more "real" when I'm empty, like my senses are heightened and I'm more in touch with what's going on around me. Once I've eaten, I feel dull, and like I'm not losing any weight...
