Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ana Boot Camp: Day 3 - 300 calories

Alright, so day three went rather smoothly :) I had a moment of panic when my twin brother and I had to have lunch with my parents ( O.o ) but the meal turned out much better than I expected :) Having not eaten breakfast before (due to the fact that I woke up about twenty minutes to 1 in the afternoon and lunch was planned at 1 ) I was able to get away with rooting through their fridge and let them eat their chicken/salad/cornbread lunches while I joked around with my family as I slowly worked through my 90 calorie yogurt and small piece of toast. Without completing either aspect to my breakfast with the excuse of having just woken up and not even my stomach's awake yet, I was able to keep breakfast down to about 100 calories.

Lunch of five pieces of sushi went down as 150 calories :)

Dinner, which was about seven at night with my twin brother and two friends of ours consisted of Waffle House coffee (alot of it) and a lovely hour of lazy chain smoking while we all ran lines of various plays and one-act festivals we're all involved in (gotta love the theatre-geeks :D ).

Total: 300 calories

Another successful day <3

Tomorrow, however, poses as a large problem that I was completely unprepared for. In the past week or so, I've made plans to have breakfast with my boyfriend at one point, lunch at another friend's family's Greek restaurant, and attend a party at another friend's house. I just realized tonight that all three of those were happening tomorrow. Shit.

Thankfully, tomorrow is a 400 calorie day (I think I might have just died if everything landed on a 100 calorie day or a fasting day). This gives me some room to spread everything out. I figure tomorrow morning with the boyfriend could be gotten away with a low-calorie spinach, tomato, and mushroom omelet that they advertise as only 275 calories. If I make sure to stay under 2/3rds of the meal (which normal for him to see as I've never eaten all of my meal before), then that keeps me at no more than 184 calories. Add the few cups of coffee I'll be having with it to kill my appetite till lunch, then that should balance me out to about 200 calories.

Lunch should be easy enough with a simple Caesar salad (which can remain unfinished with a story of a big breakfast at IHOP), then I should hopefully be at 400 calories and done for the day.

The will power will take a major hit at the party. This is what I'm most worried about. Three things always show up at these parties: drinks, drugs, and food. I can go without a drink, but a good hit of pot gives me a wicked case of the munchies and, with enough, I'm so chilled I could give a fuck about calories and scale numbers and jean sizes and pass the leftover pizza, would you?

All I can say is that I'm going to look like a freakin Mormon at the party tomorrow.

Oh well, it will all be worth it when I wake up the next day and step onto the scale :) :) :)

Which reminds me!! Tomorrow is Monday, which is my official Can Not Skip For Any Reason Weigh Day! This excites me, because I would love to see the results of just the first four days of my ABC diet. If I get a result from that, then there's no telling how amazing the full 50 days will result as :) :) :) :) :)

Alright, enough for one night :)

"It's not about being skinny or pretty. It's about being perfect, and not a pound more."


1 comment:

  1. Wow, so you've really got the hang of the ABC thing so far.

    I hope you did well at your party :]
