Friday, January 15, 2010

A day in bed

Why do I only feel worth something if the clothes that fit yesterday are loose today? I don't know. I do know that I changed into some jeans and a white t-shirt, took one look at myself in my bathroom mirror in all the yellow-white lights and fought back the urge to cry. I stripped and went back to bed.

That was two hours ago.

I feel like no matter how little I eat, no matter how many hours I work out at the gym, no matter what I do to myself, my body absolutely hates me. Every time I get half a step closer to my goal, I'm jerked back two or three. Some days I feel like the only thing I can do is hide out in my bed and wait for the fat to starve away.

I want so much and it seems so impossible. I want thin thighs that don't rub together when I walk. I want collar bones that stand out in elegant lines. I want clothes that are loose to make me look smaller, not bigger. I want people to notice me, not my huge weight. I want big brown eyes not clouded and hidden behind fat cheeks. I want arms that don't bulge out of cap-sleeves. I want so much and some days I just want to throw up until I'm there and I've achieved it.

I swear there's something wrong with me.


It's been a few hours since I last posted. Around eight or nine, i'm not really sure. My boyfriend called a few moments ago. He's driving back into town for one reason or another and wants to see me tonight, a coffee date I suppose. I honestly don't want to leave my apartment. It's so much of an effort to find something to impress other people in. I'd much rather have him come over for a bit where I can stay in my ratty jeans and a hoodie and hide out from the world for just a bit.

My parents invited me to dinner. The "i'm feeling a bit sick," excuse is wearing old. I don't know how i'm going to continue on in that department.

I really am trying to keep this blog as up-beat as possible, but sometimes that almost feels like asking to much.

I'll try to be happier tomorrow.

It all depends on the numbers on the scale.


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