Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ana Boot Camp: Day 19

Today was nothing but failure.

I was okay until I got back to my place at around 2:00 (about two hours ago). I had just taken my best friend to the free health clinic. She just found out I was pregnant and she's completely distraught. She's a mess and has no idea what to do.

I ended up binging with a taco bell burrito, chips and hummus, some almonds, and a dinner roll, and a chocolate soy bar.

I hate myself.

I've been doing palates for the last hour now, but I can't get over the fact that I'm a complete failure. I want to go for a run, but my homework is so piled up that I'm bound to the house for the night.

I have a therapy appointment on Thursday and I'm hoping to be another five pounds lighter by then, hopefully.

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