Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ana Boot Camp: Day 4 - 400 calories

Just a quick word about yesterday, day four, which really should have been posted last night. oops :-/

Yesterday morning went fine with my boyfriend at breakfast, everything was going according to plan until we brought up the subject of a certain person in my life who... has a rather disturbingly great ability to drive me absolutely insane in all the worst ways possible. And, once person is brought into the conversation, I tend to need a brief period of meditation afterwards, this person just gets me that irritated and worked up.

Lunch went slightly downhill from their. Having lunch was fine with my friends. I ordered the salad with ease, claiming not to be that hungry (which was true, I was still more upset about the person my boyfriend and I had talked about then hungry) and picked at it until we left. After that, I had to see my college's administrators about an issue and ended up waiting in line for around three hours, still not really getting the issue resolved.

It was after all this happened that I ended up in Starbucks, stressed out of my mind, with a grande sugar free hazelnut soy latte, officially pushing me over my daily caloric intake by around 130 calories. I then went home and slept through the party and didn't wake up til around 7:30 this morning.

Yesterday was a bust.

But, today is a new day and I'm not letting anything throw me off. Day 5 and 100 calories. Its only 9:45 in the morning, but so far nothing but water has gotten past my lips. If I can hold out for another few hours, I'll be able to have coffee with my girls like planned (black, 5 calorie sugar) and, if I have a room for it later tonight, I'll finish off those strawberries in my fridge...if my brother hasn't already, that is.
"Only I can let myself fail"

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