Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ana Boot Camp: Day 2 - 500 calories (or less)

Today seemed all over the place, calorie-wise. I started out with a simple enough plan: start the day off with a simple fruit and soy-yogurt smoothie, have a few low calorie soycheese and spinach snacks in the after noon, and maybe a bit or two of veggie sushi at around five or six. But, when I walked into my kitchen this morning, it took a while to get rid of the headache I kept getting from standing until I realized I was getting really light-headed and needed to sit down before I passed out. After chilling on my kitchen floor for a bit, I made my smoothie (232 calories) and grabbed my vitamin supplements and chilled on my couch downing the smoothie and waiting for my blood sugar to regain equilibrium.

It caught me really off guard, though, being to light headed on only the second day of my diet. Usually, it doesn't start getting this way for a good two to three weeks into it. Granted, that was when I was fourteen, and now I'm nearing twenty. I suppose my age must be showing.

The day progressed with a short nap while watching "Deadly Women" (that show is messed up), with my mother surprising me with, believe it or not, three trays of sushi to "tide me over till the holidays are over and you can get your usual hours back". At about about 150 calories every four pieces, I added another 150 calories to my daily intake, bringing it to 383 calories. Two cups of coffee later (27 calories each) and 12 grapes (24 calories) i finished eating for the day around five o'clock.

Total: 461 calories

Not bad for my second day.

I'm hoping my body will adjust to the calorie cut in a few days. I can't afford to go back to school or work passing out all over the place or taking regular five minute breaks on which ever spot of floor i happen to be standing on.

2 days down, 48 to go.

Hunger hurts but starving works.

~ Anna

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