Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ana Boot Camp: Day 21

The last few days have been really good with my diet!! I' just enjoyed a light dinner of veggie broth ( 5 calories) and half a slice of low cal bread (20 calories) so only 25 calories!! (I've also been chain-smoking like a fool, but that's not suggested) But, I'm back at my place for the night, which is very relaxing with Fiona Apple's "Paper Bag" playing in the background.

One of my greatest discoveries today is the finding of Starbucks coffee's nutrition page on their website! I am a Starbucks fiend!!! I loved picking through all the drinks and finding out what has what in it and how much sugar/fat grams are in it. I found a new love for Iced Skinny Lattes!!!
Not only are they cheaper than my usual Sugar Free lattes, but they really are for skinny people!! And that's what we all want to be, right? 1 tall iced skinny latte (pick any skinny flavor they offer) is only 60 calories!! My morning was totally made with this discovery! But, be sure to get the latte iced, because the hot lattes are 30 calories more :( :(

A good hour or so online has introduced me to some very helpful hints, that I'll share a few with you now.

1. it takes about 3500 to gain a full pound and about 3500 calories must be burned to lose a pound.

The human body burns about 100 calories an hour while awake and about 50 while asleep. So, to meet this requirement, take the take the hours your awake times 100 plus the hours your asleep times 50. Subtract that number from 3500 and that's how many more calories you have to go before you begin to lose weight.

2. less than 6 hours of sleep reduces your metabolism by 15%

Would you rather loose 50 calories every hour you sleep, or 42.5 calories? Those calories add up!

3.Your brain thinks it's full once you've been eating for 20 minutes.

Slooooooow doooooown! Sip some water or diet soda between each bit. Be sure to chew twenty times before you swallow. If you're with company, share a funny story so you do more talking then eating. Whatever it takes to extend your meal, do it!

I hope these tips help others like they're helping me :) :)

I'm still saving up for a digital scale, but college tuition is kicking my ass :(

If anyone would like me to post a few of my favorite low, low calorie snacks and meals, leave a comment and let me know :) :)

Remember, whenever you say "No, thank you," you're saying "Yes, please," to Thin!


1 comment:

  1. Yes yes please leave some low cal snack ideas! You have any easy ones for those of us who aren't too "kitchen savvy"?
