Sunday, March 21, 2010

I'm still alive!!!

Hello, little Anas!!

I'm so sorry for the horrible delay from my last post to this one. I've had a horrible few months concerning college classes, money, my keys and wallet being stolen and having to pay for quite a bit of damage control and, horrifically enough, throwing my lifestyle off to the side for the time. But, in the midst of all this stress, I know that there is only one thing that I have complete control over. My self control.

I've been on the lookout for some new thinspo and came across this lovely song :)

As for the latest on my diet and weight and what not...I'd rather not say at this point in time...yeah, it's been THAT hellish the past few months.

But fear not!! As soon as i reach my first goal weight, you all will be the first to see my progress pictures. In the mean time, continue to read my blog, post your comments, share your stories, and give one another strength :) :) We don't have to fight alone anymore :) :)

As always, Think Thin, little Anas!



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